Saturday, March 11, 2006


Cycle Ride 11-3-06

Had another good ride today. 28 hilly miles. It was very hard work as I haven't done much hilly stuff for a couple of months. I can't believe how quick you lose your hill climbing legs. Mind you the wind didn't help much, it aleays seemed to be in my face when I was climbing.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Cycle ride 5-3-06

Hi all. Had a ride today as I promised myself. It was a great ride. Ideal weather, bit chilly, hardly any wind. My cycle computer said I did 25 miles, which I didn't believe so I checked with a map measurer which said 35 miles so I split the difference. Those of you who know the Chichester area will know the route I took. I went from home through Tangmere, Boxgrove, Goodwood, East Dean. Singleton then back to Goodwood via Lavant to see classic cars at the motor circuit.

Boxgrove Priory Ruin.

Sculpture at Goodwood with Halnaker windmill in the distance.

Pond at East Dean.

The River Lavant snaking to Chichester. You can see the Cathedral spire in the distance.

The River Lavant in Lavant.

Some of the cars at the circuit.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hopefully on Sunday I shall be doing my first bike ride (leisure, not commute) since I was off with a bad back. I bet you where wondering where the cycle part of the blog was. Well here's the first bit. I'l have pics and a write up of the ride on Sunday night.
Here's a pic of my bike with the River Itchen in the background. I took this on a weekend ride to Winchester last year. It's a 2005 Dawes Galaxy.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Weald and Downland Open Air Museum

One of my favorite places to be. It is an open air museum set in the South Downs in Sussex. It has over 40 historic buildings from Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey. They have been saved from demolition and re-built at the museum. They range from a medieval cottage to a Victorian farm laborers house. There is a working water mill, a forge and a Tudor kitchen which often has food to sample. They also have animals including Southdown sheep, Tamworth pigs and chickens. The best part of the museum from my point of view is the stables with it's 4 working Shire horses. But more of that later.

Here are a few of my own photos of the museum.

Longport. The main entrance and shop.

The House From Walderton

The Market Square

Bayleaf Farmstead

The Stable

The Charcoal Burners' Camp.


The museums' animals.

Three of the museum shires, from the left, Neville, Gym and Donald.


Tamworth Piglets.

Southdown Sheep.

Tom the cockerel.

Sussex oxen.


Special events at the museum

There are several special events held at the museum each year.

These are from the Heavy Horse Spectacular held in June each year

Shire with a cart harness on.

Suffolk Punch.

A horse drawn steam powered fire engine, pulled by 2 percheron.

A pair of Suffolk punch at speed in a cross country race demonstration.

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